Terms of Use


第1条 総則

WAttention MAGAZINE 及びWAttention STORE以䞋、「本サむト」は、和テンション株匏䌚瀟以䞋、圓瀟が提䟛するサヌビスです。本利甚芏玄は、圓瀟が提䟛するサヌビス以䞋、本サヌビスを利甚される方すべお以䞋、「ナヌザヌ」に぀いお、本サヌビスの利甚を開始した時点で適甚され、たた、ナヌザヌは本サヌビスを利甚するこずによっお、本利甚芏玄の各条項に埓うこずに同意したものずみなされたす。䞍同意の意思衚瀺は本サヌビスを利甚しないこずのみをもっお認められるものずしたす。

第2条 定矩


  1. 「本サむト」ずは、圓瀟が提䟛するwebメディアサむトであるWAttention MAGAZINEず、ECサむトWAttention STOREをさしたす。
  2. 「本サヌビス」ずは、本サむトにおいお、圓瀟が提䟛するナヌザヌ及び䌚員向けの各皮サヌビスの総称のこずを指したす。
  3. 「本芏玄」ずは、本利甚芏玄及び、本サヌビスに関する特玄、プラむバシヌポリシヌ、及び本サヌビスに関するご利甚ガむドラむンの党おを含みたす。
  4. 「䌚員等」ずは、本利甚芏玄を承認し、本サヌビスを利甚するために圓瀟所定の䌚員登録を行い、圓瀟がその䌚員登録を承認した個人を指したす。
  5. 「ナヌザヌ」ずは、䌚員、䌚員登録の申蟌み者、商品賌入手続きの申蟌み者、及び本サむトの閲芧者を指したす。特段の定めがない限り、「第䞉者」にはナヌザヌも含たれるものずしたす。
  6. 「コンテンツ」ずは、圓瀟が本サむトにお提䟛する画像、動画などの映像、蚀葉、文章等䞀切の情報を指したす。
  7. 「商品等」ずは、本サヌビスにおいお取匕の目的ずなる物品電磁的蚘録等による有䜓物以倖の情報も含みたすをいいたす。
  8. 「ショッピング」ずは、䌚員が、本サむトにおいお商品等を賌入するこず、及び圓該賌入のために必芁な手続きを行うこずをいいたす。
  9. 「䌚員ID」ずは本サヌビス利甚のために䌚員が固有に持぀文字列をいいたす。
  10. 「パスワヌド」ずは䌚員IDに察応しお䌚員が固有に蚭定する暗号をいいたす。
  11. 「個人情報」ずは、䜏所、氏名、電話番号等の個人を特定するこずのできる情報をいいたす。
  12. 「知的財産」ずは、特蚱暩、著䜜暩、商暙暩、実甚新案暩、意匠暩、その他の知的財産に関しお法什により定められた暩利たたは法埋䞊保護される利益に係る暩利をいいたす。

第3条 プラむバシヌポリシヌぞの同意

  1. 䌚員の個人情報は、プラむバシヌポリシヌに埓っお取り扱われたす。
  2. ナヌザヌは、本サヌビスの利甚たたは本サヌビスを提䟛しおいるサむトの閲芧の前に、本サヌビスを提䟛しおいる圓瀟のサむト䞊で、プラむバシヌポリシヌを必ず確認し、その内容に同意の䞊、本サヌビスのご利甚たたは本サヌビスを提䟛しおいるサむトの閲芧をしおください。プラむバシヌポリシヌに同意できない堎合は、圓瀟が提䟛する本サヌビスのご利甚及び本サヌビスを提䟛しおいるサむトの閲芧をしないでください。

第4条 芏玄の倉曎・远加

  1. 圓瀟は、䌚員等に事前に通知するこずなく、本芏玄の党郚又は䞀郚を任意に倉曎でき、たた本芏玄を補充する芏玄・特玄同芏玄・特玄も本芏玄の䞀郚を構成したすを新たに定めるこずができるものずしたす。本芏玄の倉曎・远加は、本サヌビスを提䟛するサむトに掲茉した時点から効力を発するものずし、䞀切の本サヌビスは、倉曎・远加埌の芏玄によるものずしたす。
  2. 䌚員等は、前項の内容を十分に理解し、定期的に本芏玄の最新の内容を確認する矩務を負うものずし、圓瀟に察しお、本芏玄の倉曎・远加に関する䞍知を申し立おないものずしたす。
  3. 圓瀟は、本芏玄の倉曎・远加により䌚員等に生じた䞀切の損害に぀いお、圓瀟に故意たたは重倧な過倱がある堎合を陀き、盎接損害か間接損害か吊か、予芋できたか吊かを問わず、䞀切の責任を負いたせん。

第5条 本サヌビスの利甚

  1. 圓瀟は、コンテンツを䌚員等に察しお、原則ずしお無料で提䟛したす。䜆し、䞀郚有料のコンテンツを蚭けるこずがありたす。たた、商品の販売をいたしたす。商品等の内容、金額、お支払方法、送料及び発送スケゞュヌル等に぀いおは、各商品等が掲茉されたペヌゞたたはご利甚ガむドに蚘茉されおいたす。内容をよくご確認の䞊、ショッピングをお楜しみください。たた、通信費、むンタヌネット接続料、機噚などの費甚その他本サヌビスを利甚するにあたっお必芁ずなる党おの費甚は、ナヌザヌの負担ずしたす。
  2. 䌚員等が本サヌビスを利甚するにあたっおは、本芏玄の定めに埓い、か぀圓瀟が指定した方法によっおのみご利甚いただくものずしたす。
  3. 䌚員等は、圓瀟が承認した堎合圓該情報に関しお暩利を持぀第䞉者がいる堎合には、圓該第䞉者の承諟を取埗するこずを含むを陀き、本サヌビスを通じお入手したいかなる情報も耇補、販売、出版その他私的利甚の範囲を超えお䜿甚するこずができないものずしたす。

第6条 広告その他


第7条 本サヌビスの終了・倉曎

  1. 圓瀟は、䜕らの予告なく、圓瀟の任意の刀断で、本サヌビスの党郚又は䞀郚を終了・䞀時停止・倉曎・远加できるものずしたす。
  2. 圓瀟は、できるだけ前項に関わる予告を行う努力は臎したすが、前項の本サヌビスの終了・䞀時停止・倉曎・远加に起因する䞀切の損害に぀いお、盎接損害か間接損害か吊か、予芋できたか吊かを問わず、ナヌザヌ及び第䞉者に察しお䞀切責任を負いたせん。

第8条 䌚員の登録

  1. 䌚員ずは、本芏玄を承諟した䞊で定められた入䌚手続きを行い、圓瀟から本サヌビスの䌚員ずしお承認された方を意味したす。本サヌビスには䌚員登録をしなくおは利甚できないコンテンツ・サヌビスが含たれたす。
  2. 䌚員登録を行うためには、䌚員登録のための曞匏に䌚員ご自身に関する真実か぀正確なデヌタを入力し、圓瀟宛に送信しおいただきたす。たた、䌚員登録のための曞匏に入力されたデヌタが垞に真実か぀正確な内容ずなるように、適宜修正しおいただきたす。䞇䞀、䌚員がこれらの矩務に違反した堎合たたは真実か぀正確なデヌタが提䟛されおいないず圓瀟が刀断した堎合には、圓瀟は圓該䌚員IDを削陀し、将来に枡っお本サヌビスを利甚するこずをお断りする暩利を有しおおりたす。
  3. 満18歳未満の方は、䌚員になるこずができたせん。
  4. 圓瀟は、䌚員登録しようずする方が、䞋蚘のいずれかに該圓するず刀断した堎合、その申蟌を承諟しないこずもできたす。たた、圓瀟が申蟌を承諟した堎合であっおも、䌚員が䞋蚘のいずれかに該圓するこずが刀明したずきは、圓該承諟を撀回するこずがありたす。
    • 申蟌時に本芏玄違反等により䌚員資栌を停止しおいたずき、たたは過去においお本サヌビスの利甚を拒絶されたこずがあるずき
    • 圓瀟に察しお提䟛した情報・デヌタに虚停の蚘茉たたは蚘入挏れがあるずき
    • 未成幎者である事実を隠しお申蟌があったずき
    • 䌚員等が本サヌビスの利甚に関連しお負担するこずずなる矩務の履行を怠るおそれがあるず認められる盞圓の理由があるずき
    • その他圓瀟が䌚員ずするこずを䞍適切だず刀断したずき
  5. 䌚員においお、その登録情報に倉曎があったずきは、すみやかにその内容を倉曎するようにしおください。登録内容の倉曎がなされなかったこずにより䌚員等に生じた䞍利益に぀いお圓瀟は䞀切責任を負いたせん。たた、倉曎の登録がない堎合には、圓瀟は登録情報に倉曎がなかったものずしお、取り扱うこずずしたす。
  6. 圓瀟は䌚員に察し、圓瀟たたは業務提携先や協力䌚瀟の事業の参考ずするために、アンケヌトやむンタビュヌ等ぞの協力を求めるこずができるものずしたす。

第9条 䌚員IDずパスワヌドの管理・責任

  1. 䌚員は、登録した䌚員IDずパスワヌドを、䌚員自身の責任の䞋でしっかりず管理しおください。䌚員は、䌚員資栌・䌚員ID・パスワヌドを第䞉者に利甚させたり、譲枡したり、売買したり、質入したり、貞䞎したり、賃貞したり、その他圢態を問わず凊分するこずはできたせん。
  2. 䌚員ID及びパスワヌドを利甚しお行われたあらゆる行為の責任は、第䞉者が䌚員本人の同意なく行った堎合や䞍正に䜿甚した堎合であっおも、䌚員IDを保有しおいる䌚員の責任ずし、圓瀟は、その行為によっお生じた䞀切の損害に぀いお、䌚員の故意や過倱の有無を問わず䞀切の責任を負いたせん。䜆し、圓瀟の故意や過倱により䌚員ID及びパスワヌドが第䞉者に知られた堎合はこの限りではありたせん。
  3. 䌚員が利甚した機噚・回線・゜フトりェア等に関連又は起因しお生じた責任及び損害、䞊びに、䌚員が本サヌビスを利甚する䞊での過誀による責任及び損害は、䌚員が負担するものずし、圓瀟は、䌚員の故意や過倱の有無を問わず、䞀切責任を負いたせん。
  4. 䌚員ID及びパスワヌドの情報が第䞉者に挏掩した堎合、速やかに圓瀟たでご連絡ください。この堎合、圓瀟は、圓該䌚員IDずパスワヌドによる本サヌビス利甚の停止又は終了を行うこずはできたすが、その情報挏掩によっお生じたあらゆる損害に぀いお䞀切の責任を負いたせん。䜆し、圓瀟の故意や過倱により䌚員ID及びパスワヌドが第䞉者に知られた堎合はこの限りではありたせん。
  5. 䌚員は、定期的にパスワヌドを倉曎し、トラブル回避に務める矩務を負いたす。その矩務を怠った堎合に䌚員に生じた損害に぀いお、圓瀟は䞀切責任を負いたせん。

第10条 本サヌビスをご利甚いただくに圓っお

  1. 䌚員等は、本サヌビスを利甚しお商品等の受枡しおよび商品等の代金の決枈を行うこずに぀いお、あらかじめ同意したす。
  2. 商品等のお支払いを遅滞したり、他のナヌザヌや第䞉者に損害を発生させるなど、本利甚芏玄に違反した方や、䞍正・䞍圓な目的で本サヌビスを利甚しようずされる方のご利甚をお断りするために、䌚員ID、ご利甚状況、氏名や䜏所など個人を特定するための情報を提携先等に開瀺するこずや、圓瀟が、必芁に応じお䌚員の本サヌビスの利甚に関する諞芏定を制定するこずにより、䌚員等による本サヌビスの利甚を制玄䟋えば、アクセス時間、ログむン回数などに぀いお制玄を課すこずなどする暩利を保有しおいたす。
  3. 圓瀟は䞀定期間にわたっお䜿甚されない䌚員IDやアカりントを削陀する暩利を保有しおいたす。
  4. 䌚員等は本サヌビスに参加するにあたっお、関連する法埋、政什、省什、条䟋、芏則および呜什等を遵守しなければなりたせん。

第11条 犁止行為

  1. 圓瀟は、本サヌビスに接したナヌザヌ及び第䞉者が、䞋蚘各号に掲げる行為や衚珟以䞋「犁止事項」ずいいたすを行うこずを犁止したす。以䞋の犁止事項は、圓瀟により適宜远加修正される堎合がありたすので、䌚員等は、本サヌビスの利甚にあたり、垞に最新の内容を確認する矩務を負うものずしたす。
    • 本芏玄に違反する行為ず衚珟。
    • 法什に違反する行為、および違法な行為を勧誘たたは助長する行為。
    • サヌバヌに負担をかける行為、および他の䌚員等のアクセスたたは操䜜を劚害する行為。
    • 本サヌビスの運営たたはネットワヌク・システムを劚害する行為。
    • 䞀人の䌚員が耇数の䌚員IDを取埗する行為。
    • 圓瀟たたは第䞉者の知的財産暩を䟵害する行為。
    • 圓瀟たたは第䞉者の名誉・信甚を毀損たたは䞍圓に差別もしくは誹謗䞭傷する行為。
    • 圓瀟たたは第䞉者のプラむバシヌ暩を䟵害する行為。
    • 圓瀟たたは第䞉者の個人情報を、事前の蚱諟なく開瀺する行為。
    • 10圓瀟たたは第䞉者の財産を䟵害する行為、たたは䟵害する恐れのある行為。
    • 11圓瀟たたは第䞉者に経枈的損害を䞎える行為。
    • 1218歳未満の方のご利甚。
    • 13䞊蚘の他公序良俗、䞀般垞識に反する行為。
    • 14䞊蚘に準ずる行為。
    • 15䞊蚘の他、圓瀟が䞍適切ず刀断する行為。
  2. 䞇䞀、䌚員等が第1項に掲げる犁止事項を行ったこずにより、圓瀟が損害を被った堎合は、圓該䌚員等は連垯しお圓該損害を賠償するものずしたす。

第12条 通知方法

  1. 圓瀟は、䌚員に通知及び連絡の必芁があるず圓瀟が刀断した堎合、䌚員が登録した䌚員情報に蚘茉されおいる電子メヌルアドレスに察し、電子メヌルを甚いお連絡を行いたす。ただし、芪暩者の同意を確認するための連絡の堎合は、電話により連絡をする堎合がありたす。
  2. 圓瀟からの通知及び連絡が䞍着であったり遅延したりずいったこずによっお生じる損害においお、圓瀟は䞀切の責任は負いたせん。
  3. 䌚員等が圓瀟に通知、連絡、問合せをする必芁が生じた堎合、圓瀟が提䟛する本サヌビス䞊に蚘茉の窓口に察し、電子メヌルをもっお行うこずずしたす。
  4. 前項に基づき䌚員等から問合せがあった堎合、圓瀟は、圓瀟が定めた方法により、䌚員等の本人確認を行うこずができるものずしたす。たた、問合せに察する回答方法電子メヌル、曞面による郵送、電話などに぀いおは、その郜床圓瀟が最適ず考える回答方法を利甚しお回答するものずし、䌚員は回答方法を決めるこずはできないものずしたす。

第13条 利甚・䌚員資栌の停止・取消

  1. 圓瀟は、䌚員が䞋蚘のいずれかに該圓したず圓瀟が刀断した堎合、事前の通知なく、䌚員資栌の取消、䌚員に関連するコンテンツや情報の党郚もしくは䞀郚の削陀、党郚もしくは䞀郚の本サヌビスぞのアクセスの拒吊などの必芁な措眮をずるこずができるものずしたす。その堎合、圓瀟は、その理由を説明する矩務を負わないものずしたす。
    • 法什又は本芏玄に違反した堎合
    • 圓瀟の定める方法によらず䌚員登録を行ったこずが明らかずなった堎合
    • 䞍正行為があった堎合
    • 䌚員が登録した情報を圓瀟が虚停の情報であるず刀断した堎合
    • 他の䌚員や第䞉者に䞍圓に迷惑をかけたず圓瀟が刀断した堎合
    • 本サむト利甚により、コンピュヌタりィルスや倧量送信メヌルの拡散など、圓瀟たたは第䞉者に被害が及ぶおそれがあるず圓瀟が刀断した堎合
    • 信甚の悪化ず認められる事実が発生した堎合
    • 電子メヌル等による連絡が䞍胜ずなった堎合
    • 登録された䌚員IDが反瀟䌚的勢力たたはその構成員や関係者によっお取埗たたは䜿甚された堎合、もしくは䜿甚されるおそれがあるず圓瀟が刀断した堎合
    • 10圓瀟が定める䞀定期間内に䞀定回数以䞊のログむンがなかった堎合
    • 11圓サむトのむメヌゞを著しく損なう行為を行った堎合
    • 12犁止事項を行ったこずが刀明した堎合であっお、圓瀟が必芁ず刀断した堎合
    • 13その他圓瀟が䌚員に盞応しくないず刀断した堎合
  2. 圓瀟は、ある䌚員が䌚員に盞応しくないず圓瀟が刀断した時点から、圓該䌚員が圓瀟又は他の䌚員等に察しお有する暩利の行䜿を䞀時的に停止したり暩利自䜓を取り消すこずができるものずしたす。
  3. 圓瀟は、䌚員資栌を取り消された䌚員に察し、将来に亘っお圓瀟が提䟛するサヌビスの利甚及びアクセスを犁止するこずができるこずずしたす。
  4. 圓瀟は、本条の措眮により生じる䞀切の損害に぀いお、盎接的か間接的かを問わず、䞀切の責任を負わないものずしたす。圓瀟は、本条の措眮の時点で圓該䌚員に支払われるこずずなっおいた金銭に぀いお、圓瀟の刀断により、䞀定期間その支払を留保したり、支払をせずに圓瀟が指定する他の方法により粟算するこずができるものずしたす。
  5. 䞇䞀、䌚員等が第1項に掲げる事項を行ったこずにより、圓瀟が損害を被った堎合は、圓該䌚員等は連垯しお圓該損害を賠償するものずしたす。

第14条 䌚員の退䌚

  1. 䌚員が退䌚を垌望する堎合、䌚員はご登録のメヌルアドレスをWAttention事務局info@wattention.comたでご連絡ください。件名に「退䌚垌望」ず蚘入しおください
  2. 退䌚時に䌚員がショッピング未決枈その他圓瀟に察する負債及び矩務があるずきは、䌚員はこれらの支払その他の矩務を退䌚埌も匕き続き負うものずしたす。

第15条 コンテンツに察する責任の所圚・削陀

  1. 圓瀟は、ナヌザヌ及び第䞉者が本サヌビスのコンテンツを利甚するこずにより生じる盎接的又は間接的な損害に぀いお、䞀切責任を負いたせん。
  2. 䌚員等が本サヌビスに関連しお発信又は掲茉したコンテンツに関する䞀切の責任は、圓該䌚員等が負うものずしたす。

第16条 著䜜暩・知的財産暩

  1. コンテンツに関する著䜜暩及び商暙暩、ノりハり、プログラムなどその他知的財産暩は、圓瀟たたは圓該情報の提䟛元に垰属したす。たた、個々のコンテンツの集合䜓ずしおの本サヌビスに関する著䜜暩及び商暙暩その他知的財産暩に぀いおも、圓瀟に垰属したす。埓い、䌚員等は、本サヌビスにより提䟛されるコンテンツの党郚たたは䞀郚を、圓瀟の事前の承諟なしに、転茉、耇補、出版、攟送、公衆送信等その他著䜜暩等を䟵害する行為を、自ら行うこずはできず、たた第䞉者に行わせるこずはできたせん。

第17条 リンク先・広告に関する損害

  1. 本サヌビスにおいおは、コンテンツ䞊に他のWebサむトやリ゜ヌスなどぞのリンクをしたり、第䞉者が他のWebサむトやリ゜ヌスぞのリンクを提䟛しおいる堎合がありたす。リンク先の圓該サむトやリ゜ヌスに぀いおは、それぞれの運営䞻䜓が管理しおおり、圓瀟はナヌザヌ及び第䞉者に察し、その利甚可胜性及び圓該サむトやリ゜ヌス䞊の情報、広告、商品たたは圹務等に぀いお䜕ら保蚌するものではなく、これらによりナヌザヌ及び第䞉者に損害が生じおも䞀切責任を負いたせん。
  2. 圓瀟が運営する党おのサむトに掲茉されおいる広告や圓瀟から䌚員に送信する電子メヌルに掲茉されおいる広告によっお、ナヌザヌ及び第䞉者に生じる損害に関し、圓瀟は䞀切責任を負いたせん。
  3. 䌚員等が曞き蟌んだ他のWebサむトやリ゜ヌスぞのURLにより、そのリンク先で生じた盎接的又は間接的な損害に぀いお、圓瀟は䞀切責任を負いたせん。

第18条 むンタヌネット接続環境

  1. 本サヌビスをご利甚いただくためには、むンタヌネットに接続する必芁があり、䌚員等の費甚ず責任においお、本サヌビスを利甚するために必芁ずなる回線・機噚・゜フトりェアその他䞀切の手段をご甚意いただくこずが必芁ずなりたす。その通信手段・機噚・゜フトりェアの蚭眮や操䜜に぀いおも、䌚員等の費甚ず責任においお、適切に行っおいただく必芁がありたす。
  2. 䌚員等は、本サヌビスを利甚する過皋で、皮々のネットワヌクを経由するこずがあるこずを理解し、接続しおいるネットワヌクや機噚等によっおは、それらに接続したり、それらを通過するために、デヌタや信号等の内容が倉曎される可胜性があるこずを理解したうえで、本サヌビスを利甚するものずしたす。
  3. 䌚員等は、コンピュヌタりィルスの感染防止等のセキュリティ察策を自己の責任ず費甚にお講じる必芁がありたす。

第19条 倖郚委蚗


第20条 損害賠償

  1. 圓瀟は、本芏玄の履行に関し、䌚員等の責に垰すべき事由により損害を被った堎合、損害賠償を請求するこずができるものずしたす。
  2. 圓瀟は、本サヌビスの利甚により生じた䞀切の損害に぀き、その賠償矩務を負いたせん。
  3. 圓瀟は、䌚員等やその他の第䞉者に発生した機䌚逞倱、業務の䞭断その他いかなる損害間接損害や逞倱利益を含みたすに察しお、圓瀟が係る損害の可胜性を事前に通知されおいたずしおも、䞀切の責任を負いたせん。
  4. 泚文埌の商品到着時より半幎間に぀いおは、商品等の欠陥により䌚員等に損害を䞎えた堎合、圓瀟は、䌚員等においお発生した盎接か぀通垞の損害を、賌入した商品等の察䟡を䞊限ずしお賠償したす。
  5. 本サヌビスの利甚が消費者契玄法平成12幎法埋第61号第2条第3項の消費者契玄に該圓する堎合には、本利甚芏玄のうち、圓瀟の債務䞍履行責任及び䞍法行為責任を完党に免責する芏定は適甚されないものずしたす。この堎合においお圓瀟が債務䞍履行及び䞍法行為により䌚員等に損害を䞎えた堎合は、圓瀟は、䌚員等においお発生した盎接か぀通垞の損害を、賌入した商品等の察䟡を䞊限ずしお賠償したす䜆し、圓瀟に故意又は重過倱がありこれにより損害を生じた堎合は、かかる䞊限を超えお賠償したす。。

第21条 個人情報保護の考え方


第22条 クッキヌcookieに぀いお

  1. むンタヌネットの効果的な運甚のために、サヌバから䌚員等に送信しお䌚員等のコンピュヌタにファむルずしお保存されるこずのある利甚蚘録などの情報であるクッキヌ以䞋cookieずしたすに぀いお、圓瀟は、䌚員等個々のニヌズに合わせおWebサむトをカスタマむズしたり、Webサむトの内容や提䟛するサヌビスを䌚員等の満足床向䞊のための本サむトの改良のために、cookieを送受信するこずがありたす。cookieの受け取りは、ブラりザの蚭定によっお拒吊するこずができたす。ただし、その堎合は䞀郚機胜に制玄が生じるこずがあるこずを予めご了承ください。
  2. 圓瀟では、cookieを利甚するこずで、䌚員等ニヌズに合わせた適切な広告を配信するために、広告配信を行う䌁業が提䟛する行動タヌゲティング広告のサヌビスを利甚する堎合がありたす。

第23条 Google Analyticsの利甚に぀いお

本サむトでは、よりよいサヌビスの提䟛を目的ずしお、Google Analyticsを甚いお本サむトぞのアクセス情報を収集しおいたす。 このため、䞀郚のペヌゞにおいお Google Analyticsから提䟛されるcookieを䜿甚しおいたす。 なお、圓瀟はGoogle Analyticsによっお個人情報を特定する情報は取埗しおおりたせん。 たた、本サむトを経由しおGoogle Analyticsにより収集されたデヌタはGoogle瀟のプラむバシヌポリシヌに基づいお管理されおおり、圓瀟はGoogle Analyticsのサヌビス利甚による䞀切の損害に぀いお責任を負わないものずしたす。Google Analyticsによるcookieの䜿甚に関する説明およびcookieにより収集される情報に぀いお詳しくお知りになりたい方は、Google Analyticsのサヌビス利甚芏玄およびプラむバシヌポリシヌをご確認ください。

Google Analytics利甚芏玄 http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/jp.html

Google Analyticsプラむバシヌに関する抂芁 https://www.google.com/intl/ja/analytics/privacyoverview.html

第24条 䞍可抗力


第25条 本芏玄の有効性

  1. 本芏玄の芏定の䞀郚が法什に基づいお無効ず刀断されおも、本芏玄のその他の芏定は有効ずしたす。
  2. 本芏玄の芏定の䞀郚がある䌚員等ずの関係で無効ずされ、又は取り消されおも、本芏玄はその他の䌚員等ずの関係では有効ずしたす。

第26条 本芏玄の翻蚳文

  1. 圓瀟が本芏玄の翻蚳版を公開しおいる堎合、圓該翻蚳は䌚員等の䟿宜を図るこずのみを目的ずしたものです。
  2. 䌚員等は、本芏玄の解釈に関しおは、本芏玄の日本語版が適甚されるこずに同意するものずしたす。
  3. 本芏玄の日本語版ず翻蚳文で矛盟が発生する堎合、日本語版が優先するものずしたす。

第27条 準拠法・裁刀管蜄


2015幎5月18日 曎新

Terms of Use

Article 1. General rule

WAttention (hereafter, “the Company”) is the manager of wattention.com (hereafter, “this Website”) which consists out of Wattention MAGAZINE and WAttention STORE. The Terms of Use apply to any individual or company (hereafter, “the User”) using the services offered at this Website, from the point they start usage. Services can only be used by agreeing to all the articles in the Terms of Use. Not agreeing with one or more of the articles in the Terms of Use, is only accepted when the User decides to not make use of any of the services on this Website.

Article 2. Definitions

Unless specified otherwise, the definitions outlined in this article, in the paragraphs below, are applicable to these Terms and Conditions of Use, any special contracts with regard to the Service, the Company’s privacy policy which regulates its handling of customer information (hereinafter referred to as “the Privacy Policy”), and the Usage Guidelines with regard to the Service.

  1. “This Website ” refers to the web site of WAttention (https://wattention.com), which is a media website (WAttention MAGAZINE) and an EC Website (WAttention Store) supplied by WAttention.
  2. “The Service” refers to the various services that the Company supplies through this Website to its members.
  3. “These Terms and Conditions” includes these Terms and Conditions of Use, any special contracts with regard to the Service, the Privacy Policy, and the Usage Guidelines with regard to the Service.
  4. “Members” refers to individuals who have agreed to these Terms and Conditions of Use, have followed the member registration process prescribed by the Company, and whose memberships have been approved by the Company.
  5. “Members, etc.” refers to members, membership registration applicants, and other viewers of the Site (hereinafter referred to as “the site viewers”). Unless specified otherwise, the term “third parties” also includes the site viewers.
  6. “Content” refers to all information provided on this Website by the Company, including images, videos, words, sentences, etc.
  7. “Products, etc.” refers to any items provided by the Service as business transactions (including non-physical materials, such as information stored in the form of electromagnetic records).
  8. “Shopping” refers to the members’ purchase of products, etc. on this Website, including the processes that they are required to follow in order to make said purchases.
  9. “Member ID” refers to the personal character string held by a member in order to use the Service.
  10. “Password” refers to the password configured by a member in relation to their member ID.
  11. “Personal information” refers to information that allows the identification of a particular individual, including name, address, telephone number, etc.
  12. “Intellectual property rights” refers to the patent rights, copyrights, trademarks, utility model rights, design rights, or any other rights stipulated by laws and regulations with regard to intellectual property, as well as any other profit-related rights protected by the law.

Article 3. Agreement with Privacy Policy

  1. Users’ personal information is handled in accordance to the Privacy Policy.
  2. Before using the Service or viewing the site that supplies the Service, members, etc. must always verify the Privacy Policy published on the Company’s site that supplies the Service. Users must agree with its contents before using the Service or viewing the site that supplies the Service. If users are unable to agree with the Privacy Policy, users shall not be allowed to use the Service supplied by the Company nor view the site that supplies the Service.

Article 4. Changes and Additions to these Terms and Conditions

  1. The Company may make arbitrary changes to these Terms and Conditions in full or in part without sending prior notification to its members, etc., and it may also stipulate new agreements or special contracts (with said agreements and special contracts being considered as part of these Terms and Conditions) as supplements to these Terms and Conditions. Any changes or additions to these Terms and Conditions are deemed to come into effect from the moment that they are published on the site that supplies the Service. In addition, every part of the Service is deemed to be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated after said changes and additions have been applied.
  2. Members, etc. agree to the stipulations made in the preceding paragraph, and accept their responsibility to verify periodically the latest version of these Terms and Conditions. They shall never claim ignorance to the Company with regard to any changes or additions made to these Terms and Conditions.
  3. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any direct or indirect, foreseen or unforeseen damages caused to members, etc. due to any changes or additions made to these Terms and Conditions, unless the Company is deemed to have acted in bad faith or committed gross negligence.

Article 5. Using our services

  1. The services on this Website are generally free, however, services at a cost, such as sales of products are also offered.
    Information on products, etc. including prices, payment methods, delivery fees, delivery schedules, etc. are specified on this Website. Carefully reading through this information before purchasing any products is the User’s responsibility.
    All expenses necessary to make use of this Website such as communication expenses, internet connection expenses and the purchase of devices are to be borne by the User.
  2. To use the services offered on this Website, the User needs to agree to the Terms of Use, and shall use the services on this Website as assigned by the Company.
  3. Copying, selling or publishing contents on this Website is only allowed if the Company (or a third company in case the copyright belongs to another company) has given permission to a specific user.

Article 6. Advertising and More

Please note that the Company shall send periodic notifications, advertisements, and other information to members via e-mail.

Article 7. Termination and Changes to the Service

  1. The Company may arbitrarily terminate, suspend, or make changes or additions to the Service in full or in part without sending any prior notification.
  2. The Company shall endeavor to send, in as much as possible, prior notifications as described in the preceding paragraph. However, the Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever toward members or third parties for any direct or indirect, foreseen or unforeseen damages caused by the termination, suspension, or changes or additions made to the Service as described in the preceding paragraph.

Article 8. Members Registration

  1. The definition of a Member on this Website is an individual or a company that has agreed on the Terms of Use, and has completed the registration necessary to become a member.
  2. In order to register as members, users must send the Company a filled in membership registration form containing truthful and accurate data pertaining to themselves. In addition, users are asked to amend this data as necessary in order to ensure that the information contained in the member registration form is always truthful and accurate. In the event that a member fails to fulfill this responsibility, or if the information supplied is deemed by the Company to be untruthful or inaccurate, the Company may reserve the right to cancel said member’s member ID and refuse them future use of the Service.
  3. Users who are under 18 years old are not allowed to register as members.
  4. The Company may not approve a user’s request to register as a member if deemed that said user falls into one of the categories outlined below. In addition, even after the Company has approved a user’s registration, if deemed afterward that said user falls into one of the categories outlined below, the Company may reserve the right to revoke their approval.
    • If their membership had been suspended at the time of registration due to violations, etc. of these Terms and Conditions, or if their use of the Service has been refused sometime in the past.
    • If they have supplied the Company with false or incomplete information or data.
    • If their membership request has been made by hiding the fact that they under 18 years old.
    • If there are suitable reasons to believe that the member, etc. may neglect the fulfillment of their responsibilities in relation to the use of the Service.
    • If deemed by the Company, for any reason, that it would be inappropriate for them to become a member.
  5. Members are asked to update their data as soon as possible if there are any changes to their registered information. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any disadvantage caused to members, etc. due to their failure to keep their registered information up to date. In addition, if no updates are made, the Company shall handle their registered information assuming that no changes are necessary.
  6. For business reference for the Company or a third party, the Company can ask members for cooperation in surveys, interviews, etc.

Article 9. Management and Responsibility for Member IDs and Passwords

  1. Members are asked to take full responsibility for managing their own registered member IDs and passwords. Members may not allow third parties to use their memberships, members IDs, or passwords, including through transfer, trade, pledge, loan, rent, or any other form of disposal.
  2. Any behavior exhibited using a member’s ID and password is the responsibility of the member who owns the member ID, even when done by a third party illegally or without the consent of the member. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused by said behavior, whether or not the member has acted negligently or in bad faith. However, this does not apply if the member’s ID and password was disclosed to a third party due to the Company acting negligently or in bad faith.
  3. Members are responsible for any problems or damages related to, or caused by, the usage of any equipment, connection, software, etc., as well as any problems or damages caused by mistakes made in their use of the Service. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for said problems or damages, whether or not the member has acted negligently or in bad faith.
  4. Members are asked to contact the Company as soon as possible should their member ID or password be leaked to a third party. In this case, the Company would be able to suspend or terminate the use of the Service using said member’s ID and password; however, the Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused by the leakage of this information. However, this does not apply if the member’s ID and password were disclosed to a third party due to the Company acting negligently or in bad faith.
  5. Members are responsible for changing their passwords periodically and ensuring that they take measures to avoid any troubles with regard to their account. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused by their neglect of this responsibility.

Article 10. Use of the Service

  1. All users agree beforehand to the delivery of products, etc., as well as payment of products, etc. when using the Service.
  2. The Company may disclose customer identifiable information such as member ID, usage details, name, address, etc. to other related businesses, and it may also establish various regulations and apply restrictions on members as necessary (for example, imposing restrictions on access times, number of logins, etc.) in relation to their use of the Service, in order to refuse use of the Service to members who delay their payment of products, etc., cause damages to other members or third parties, violate these Terms and Conditions of Use, or attempt to use the Service for illegal and inappropriate purposes.
  3. The Company reserves the right to delete any member IDs and accounts that have been unused for a certain period of time.
  4. In order to use the Service, all users must adhere to all related laws, government ordinances, ministerial ordinances, regulations, rules, decrees, etc.

Article 11. Prohibited Behavior

  1. The Company prohibits members, etc., and third parties who come in contact with the Service, from exhibiting any of the behaviors outlined below (hereinafter referred to as “prohibited behaviors”). The Company may make amendments or additions to the prohibited behaviors outlined below at any time; therefore, all users are responsible for always verifying the latest version of these behaviors before using the Service.
    • Any behavior that violates these Terms and Conditions.
    • Any behavior that violates laws and regulations, or any behavior that encourages or promotes illegal behavior.
    • Any behavior that places a burden on the server, or any behavior that interferes with the access or operation of other members, etc.
    • Any behavior that hinders the management of the Service, its networks or systems.
    • Any behavior that causes the same member to use multiple member IDs.
    • Any behavior that violates the intellectual property rights of the Company or third parties.
    • Any behavior that is slanderous, or damages or unfairly discriminates the honor or credibility of the Company or third parties.
    • Any behavior that violates the privacy rights of the Company or third parties.
    • Any behavior that discloses personal information of the Company or third parties without obtaining their prior consent.
    • Any behavior that violates, or may violate, the assets of the Company or third parties.
    • Any behavior that causes financial damage to the Company or third parties.
    • Use of the Service by people under 18 years old.
    • Any other behavior that violates the public order and morals, and general common sense.
    • Any behavior applicable to the above.
    • Any other behavior deemed as inappropriate by the Company.
  2. If the Company were to suffer damages caused by members, etc. exhibiting the prohibited behaviors stipulated in paragraph 1, said members, etc. shall be expected to work together to provide compensation for said damages.

Article 12. Notification Methods

  1. When deemed as necessary, the Company shall send notifications and communications to users using their registered e-mail address. However, communication with legal guardians to verify their consent may be done over the telephone.
  2. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused by the non-delivery or delay of notifications or communications sent by the Company.
  3. Users and members may send notifications, communications or inquiries to the Company via e-mail using the contact details published on the Service provided by the Company.
  4. In receipt of a user’s inquiry as stipulated in the previous paragraph, the Company may verify the identity of said member using the methods stipulated by the Company. In addition, members are unable to choose their preferred response method, and the Company shall send a response to said inquiry using a method deemed as appropriate by the Company (e-mail, post, telephone, etc.).

Article 13. Suspension or Cancellation of Membership and Use of Service

  1. If deemed that a member, etc. falls under one of the categories outlined below, the Company may take necessary measures against said member, etc. without sending any prior notification, such as canceling their membership, deleting their content or information in full or in part, or refusing access to the whole or part of the Service. In this case, the Company shall not be liable for providing reasons for its actions.
    • If a member, etc. has violated the laws and regulations, or these Terms and Conditions.
    • If deemed that a member has registered as a member without using the methods prescribed by the Company.
    • If a member, etc. has exhibited some illegal behavior.
    • If deemed by the Company that a member, etc. has registered false information.
    • If deemed by the Company that a member, etc. has unfairly caused trouble to other members or third parties.
    • If deemed by the Company that, by using the Site, a member, etc. may cause damage to the Company or third parties by propagating computer viruses, distributing a large number of e-mails, etc.
    • If facts have become known about the deterioration of a member’s or user’s credibility.
    • If communicating with a member, etc. via e-mail, etc. has become impossible.
    • If deemed by the Company that a registered member’s ID has been, or may be, acquired or used by antisocial forces, their members or related third parties.
    • If a member has not logged in more than a specified number of times during a specified period of time stipulated by the Company.
    • If a member, etc. has behaved in a way that causes considerable damage to the Site’s image.
    • If deemed as necessary by the Company due to a member, etc. having exhibited some prohibited behavior.
    • If deemed by the Company as being an unsuitable member, etc..
  2. If deemed by the Company that a user would be an unsuitable member, from that moment onward the Company may suspend or remove said member’s ability to exercise any rights held toward the Company or other members, etc.
  3. If a member has had their membership canceled, the Company may prohibit them from using or accessing the services provided by the Company in the future.
  4. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any direct or indirect damages caused by the implementation of measures stipulated in this article. The Company may reserve the right to withhold payment for a fixed period of time, or refrain from making a payment and use another method prescribed by the Company to balance accounts, with regard to any amounts payable to said member, etc. from the moment that the measures stipulated in this article are implemented.
  5. If the Company were to suffer damages caused by members, etc. exhibiting the behaviors stipulated in paragraph 1, said members, etc. shall be expected to work together to provide compensation for said damages.

Article 14. Membership Termination

  1. Members wishing to terminate their membership must contact the WAttention executive office (info@wattention.com) with their registered e-mail address (the subject of the e-mail should be stated as “Membership Termination Request”).
  2. When terminating their membership, if a member has outstanding shopping payments, or any other debt or obligations toward the Company, said member shall continue to be liable for those payments or obligations even after their membership has been terminated.

Article 15. Responsibility for Content

  1. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use of the Service’s content by members, etc. or third parties.
  2. Members, etc. shall be fully responsible for all content distributed or published in relation to the Service.

Article 16. Regarding Copyrights and intellectual property

Copyrights and trademarks of contents and the intellectual property of programming knowledge and other intellectual property rights belong to the Company or other providers of information. Copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property of this website as a whole, belong to the Company.

Members, etc. or a third person cannot violate copyright laws etc. by re-using, copying, publishing, broadcasting or spreading any of the contents or all the contents as a whole to the public in any way without asking the Company for permission.

Article 17. Damages Related to Link Destinations and advertising.

  1. The contents on our website may include links to other websites and resources, and a third person might provide such links. These websites and resources, are managed by other companies and individuals. The Company does not guarantee the safety, etc. of the information, advertisements, products and other services offered at these websites. The company is not responsible for any damage done to users or other third persons at these websites.
  2. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused to members, etc. or third parties due to advertising shown on any of the sites managed by the Company or sent by the Company to members via e-mail.
  3. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any direct or indirect damages caused by link destinations sent through URLs written by members, etc. which redirect to other web sites or resources.

Article 18. Internet Connections

  1. In order to use the Service, users are required to connect to the Internet. Users are responsible for arranging and paying for fees, as necessary, in relation to the connection, equipment, software, etc. required in order to use the Service, including the installation and operation of those communication methods, equipment, and software.
  2. Users use the Service in full awareness that when using the Service, the connection may go through a variety of networks, and that depending on the networks and equipment that the connection is passed through, the content, such as the data and signals, may be changed during those transitions.
  3. Users are asked to be responsible and liable for any costs incurred in the implementation of security measures such as for the prevention of infections from computer viruses.

Article 19. External Contractors

The Company may entrust external contractors to fulfill business functions in full or in part as necessary, such as producing contents, merchandizing products, systems management, credit card payments, delivery, etc.

Article 20. Damage Compensation

  1. The Company may claim for damage compensation for any damages caused in relation to the implementation of these Terms and Conditions caused by reasons attributable to the member.
  2. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever, and shall have no obligation to provide compensation, for any damages caused in the use of the Service.
  3. The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any loss of opportunities, interruption of business, or any other damage (including indirect damages and loss of profit) caused to users or other third parties, even if the Company had known beforehand about the possibility of such damages.
  4. For any direct and ordinary damages caused to users due to faults found in products, etc. within six months after their order and delivery, the Company shall provide compensation up to a maximum amount equivalent to the price of said products, etc.
  5. When use of the Service falls under Article 2, Paragraph 3, of the Consumer Contract Act (Act No. 61 of 2000), the regulations stipulated in these Terms and Conditions of Use, which fully exempts the Company from their default liability and tort liability, shall be no longer applicable. In this case, if the Company has caused damages to members due to any default on debts or illegal activities, the Company shall provide compensation for any direct or ordinary damages caused to members up to a maximum amount equivalent to the price of said products, etc. (However, if deemed that the damages were caused by the Company acting in bad faith or due to their gross negligence, compensation shall be provided for an amount that is higher than this upper limit.)

Article 21. Regarding protection of personal information

Personal Information of the User collected by the Company through this Website’s services, is protected according to the privacy policy assigned by the Company together with the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws.

Article 22. About cookies

  1. For effective usage of the internet, cookies are sent from the server to the user’s computer which will be saved as files containing usage records and other information which the Company will use to customize the website according to the user’s needs or to update the website according to the user’s preferences. It is possible to disallow cookies from being sent on your browser, but this may result in parts of the website not functioning properly.
  2. The Company uses cookies in order to provide advertisements that interest the user, and uses behavioral targeting advertisement provided by companies delivering advertisements.

Article 23. About Google Analytics

Access information of this Website is collected through Google Analytics in order to improve the services of this Website. Therefore, some pages use Cookies sent from Google Analytics. The Company does not collect any specific personal information from Google Analytics. Data collected by Google Analytics through this website is managed according to Google’s privacy policy. The Company is not responsible for any kind of damage done to the User through Google Analytics. For detailed information on Google Analytics’ usage of Cookies, please view Google Analytics’ Terms of Usage and Privacy Policy.

Google Terms of Service: http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html

Google Analytics Privacy Policy: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/

Article 24. Force Majeure

The Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever toward members, etc. or other third parties for the non-execution or delayed execution of its duties as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, caused directly or indirectly by natural disasters, floods, tidal waves, typhoons, earthquakes, fire, plagues or other infectious diseases, wars, threats of war, acts of terrorism, rebellions, riots, strikes, factory closures or labor troubles, shortage or restrictions on the supply of energy or raw materials, or due to any regulations imposed by laws and regulations including governmental mandates, which fall outside of the reasonable control of the Company.

Article 25. Validity of these Terms and Conditions

  1. Even if part of these Terms and Conditions were deemed to be invalid based on laws and regulations, the rest of these Terms and Conditions shall continue to remain valid.
  2. Even if part of these Terms and Conditions were deemed to be invalid or no longer applicable with regard to a particular member, these Terms and Conditions shall continue to remain valid with regard to all other users.

Article 26. Translation of these Terms and Conditions

  1. If the Company has published a translated version of these Terms and Conditions, said translation version is only available for the convenience of the members.
  2. Members etc. are deemed to have agreed that the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions are based on the Japanese version of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. If any contradictions were to arise between the Japanese version and the translated version of these Terms and Conditions, priority shall be given to the Japanese version.

Article 27. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any disputes arising between the Company and users, etc. shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court as the exclusive court of first instance.